The All-Inclusive Program encompasses the curriculum of the Assistant Groomer program and the Canine Stylist program, forming the most thorough grooming course in Canada. Through this program, a novice groomer can attain professional-level skills in just 14 weeks.
About This Program
Theory: 75 Hours
Practicum: 485 Hours
Program: 16 Weeks
NOTE: The theory portion of this program can be completed on-site or off-site. Please indicate preference upon registration.
Course Overview
This course consists of both The Apex Assistant Groomer Program & The Canine Pet Stylist Grooming Program.
All the elements shared in the Assistant Groomer and Pet Stylist Program are combined as one learning experience.
The Canine All-Inclusive Grooming Program takes you from beginning to end, with the outcome of being able to groom professionally.
Completing this course will enable the student to have all the tools and skills to practice as a professional groomer, either as their business or as a member of an established salon.
Theory Syllabus
Orientation; Groomer & Pet Safety; Equipment Selection & Care;
Dogs 101; Anatomy & Behavior; Breed Standards of The American Kennel
Club/ Canadian Kennel Club; Proper Handling Techniques; Challenging Pets;
Special Care Of Young & Old Pets; Customer Service; Keeping Up Professional
Appearances; Diseases- Zoonotic and others/ first aid
Clipper Techniques; Basic Scissoring, & Thinning Techniques;
CKC Standards- group/ breed identification
Further learning on brushing / de-matting techniques.
Basic Finishing Techniques
Running a Business and Keeping/Attracting Clientele
Advanced Scissoring & Thinning
CKC Patterns; Creative Patterns for Mixed Breeds
Handling Techniques
Advanced Clippering, Techniques & Tools
Head Pattern Review; Putting Patterns Together
Fault Correction; Speed Grooming Techniques
Advertising, clientele, social networking, website, budgeting, employment opportunities.
Practicum Syllabus
Hands-on Dog Bathing
Brushing & Drying, Recognition of Skin Disorders
Choosing The Proper Products; Tools & Techniques
Management of All Coat Types
Dogs Eyes, Ears, Nails & Teeth care
Deshedding/ Matt techniques/ clipper blade maintenance/ Fou Fou Finishing
Brushing & Drying
Clippering, Thinning & Scissoring
Basic Head Patterns
Finishing Touches
Pattern Setting for all groups of dogs including mixed breeds
Scissoring, Thinning & Finishing Techniques
Identifying Faults and Correcting them.
All applicants must be 18 years of age; All applicants must complete an application; All applicants must provide a current resume; All applicants must complete a pre-admission interview; A non-refundable registration fee is required to confirm your seat; All applicants must provide their high school transcripts
BC students: graduated from grade 12 or equivalent secondary school completion from another jurisdiction or…The student is 19 years of age or older before the start of classes and has demonstrated evidence of the appropriate level of literacy, numeracy, comprehension and/or written skills to enable successful completion of the program.
*Grooming is a very physical job- although we have tables, tubs etc., that aid in lifting dogs, a groomer must have the physical strength and endurance to lift and stand for long periods.